Borrowing Materials

To borrow material from Reu Memorial Library, Wartburg Theological Seminary (WTS) students must present a current WTS ID card. Students, faculty, and staff at other Dubuque higher ed institutions (UD, Loras, Clarke, Emmaus) borrowing print materials must present their ID card. Other patrons must present valid picture identification, complete a new borrower form and be added to our system at the first check out. Identification must be presented each time a patron checks out material.

WTS Distributed Learning and Collaborative Learning students may request that books be mailed to them by contacting library staff. Scans of book chapters and articles may also be requested. Details for logging into digital resources are available on the Reu Memorial Library’s Castle Commons site.

Check-Out Periods and Limits

Students, staff, and non-students have a four-week checkout period. Thesis students and faculty members have extended borrowing privileges on books. However, books can be recalled if requested by another person. Non-WTS patrons are allowed a maximum of 10 items total.

Video checkout is for 72 hours and patrons are limited to two videos.

Library reserve materials may be checked out for two hours unless otherwise noted. Patrons are limited to two reserve items. Reserve material may be checked out for overnight use but must be returned when the library opens the next opening.

Reference books, current periodicals, and retrospective periodicals are available for in-library use only.

You are responsible for all items checked out to your library account.

Returning Items

Items should be returned to the circulation desk. There is also an after-hours book drop available in the hallway outside the library.

Please DO NOT RESHELVE books. If you are finished with an item return it to the circulation desk or leave it on one of the assigned tables.


Books from the regular collection may be renewed three times if another patron is not waiting for the item. You may renew books through the online catalog, in person, or by contacting staff.

Library Fines

Reu Memorial Library does not charge overdue fines. We do, however, expect library patrons to be conscientious of the need to return materials on time. Since a majority of books are

returned within a few days of their due date, overdue notices are not sent out until an item is a week past due. You may avoid overdue notices by keeping track of due dates.

Items that are three weeks or more overdue are handled on an individual basis. Library privileges may be suspended until the material is returned, replaced or paid for. Patrons are charged replacement cost of the material plus a processing fee.


If you receive a recall notice for a book you have checked out, please be sure to bring it back by the date indicated on the notice. When you return the item please indicate to the circulation attendant that it is a recalled item.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services are available to WTS students, faculty, and staff for materials we do not own. For students, the materials must be for class assignments. Requests can be made through the online catalog or via email, and usually take one to two weeks to fill. You will receive an email when the item has arrived.

WTS students and faculty may check out materials at other academic libraries in Dubuque (UD, Loras, Clarke, and Emmaus).

Computer Use

Computer resources are available to serve the academic needs of WTS students, staff and faculty. Non-academic use is limited to 15 minutes when library is busy.

Copying & Printing

Printing for students is available for $.07 per black & white copy and $.32 for color, and is charged to your student account. Students are responsible for all copies.

Food & Beverages

No FOOD is allowed in the library.

Beverages in spill-proof containers are allowed in the library.

ATLA Reciprocal Borrowing Program

The Wartburg Theological Seminary participates in ATLA Reciprocal Borrowing Program, which grants check-out privileges to our students when visiting other participating institutions.

Study Carrels

Students are asked to remove all personal belongings from carrels when they leave the library. Library books and periodicals that are not checked out should be turned in at the circulation desk or placed on the marked carrels.

Certain designated carrels may be reserved for individual use by frequent library users. For more details or to reserve a carrel, contact the Library. Library material must be checked out before being stored in a reserved carrel. Carrel assignments will be made on the understanding that a staff member will periodically search all carrels and remove library material that is not checked out. The library is not responsible for any item left in a carrel.


Children must be accompanied by an adult, and the adult must stay with the child.