Welcome (and welcome back!), to Wartburg Theological Seminary, as we begin a new academic year.
We come together from many different backgrounds: from different geographical locations, with different educational and professional experiences, marked by different life events—both joyous and sorrowful. And, we bring all of that with us into chapel, into the classroom, into all aspects of our life together. This is as it should be.
Our different experiences and perspectives enrich our learning community, as we learn from one another the many and various ways God is active in our lives, and calling God‘s children into public ministry.
Your preferred way of thinking about and talking about God is not the only way; God is always more than any of us can envision or understand, and God works through our friends, neighbors, and even enemies to draw us ever-deeper into a vivid, strong relationship with a God who is both ever-faithful, and ever-new.
You should expect to be surprised by God in some way this year, but also to have your confidence in God’s sure, abiding grace and love deepened. And, you also can expect to be surrounded by a community that cares for you, that is committed to your ongoing formation for the sake of the flourishing of the gospel in the world. Held as one family in Christ, we bear the responsibility of creating that community together, for each other.
So, again, welcome to Wartburg Seminary. I pray that this year is rich and full for you, grounded in worship and prayer, and centered on your theological studies. And I pray that we all enter into this year in a spirit of openness and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, eagerly anticipating the surprising, wonderful movement of the Holy Spirit, as she calls us forward into the future God is preparing for us.