We are thrilled to announce that Pastor Ramie Bakken has accepted the call to serve as The CaSTLE Project Director!
Pastor Bakken currently serves as the Candidacy and Leadership Manager for Region 5, where she works in collaborative partnerships with multiple synods and Churchwide offices, shaping the formation of leaders for the ELCA. Her expertise, deep relationships, and passion for leadership development make her an outstanding fit for this role, and we are overjoyed to welcome her to this work!
In her new position, Pastor Bakken will be working onsite at The CaSTLE several days a week while also traveling to engage with our synodical partners. She shares, “I am especially excited that this project is engaging in rediscovery of how God is calling rural communities into God’s promised future with hope.”
Pastor Bakken begins this role on April 7th. Until then, any questions regarding The CaSTLE Project can be directed to castle@wartburgseminary.edu. Additional information about The CaSTLE Project can be found here: https://www.wartburgseminary.edu/the-castle-project/
Please join us in welcoming Pastor Bakken to the Wartburg community and holding her in prayer as she prepares for this transition. We look forward to the incredible impact she will have in this role!