Because of our commitment to easy-to-use classroom technology, we believe meaningful learning can take place anywhere.

Distance learning options combine online coursework and a single one-week intensive on campus per semester. Unlike traditional online courses, Wartburg Seminary Distance Learning students have the opportunity to participate in the same classes at the same time as the residential students. Utilizing easy-to-use classroom technology, students participate in courses from their computer, as if they are sitting in the classroom, allowing them to engage in conversation, ask questions and share insights with fellow students and teachers in real-time.

If a student is not able to join the class in real-time, the online resources keep them on the same track and allow them to complete the courses on their own time while staying connected to their fellow classmates.

Wartburg's distance program stands above other online options in everything from flexibility, community, and formation from afar.

The “Wartburg Way” of preparing students for leadership in the church and world is holistic. We take people seriously – every dimension of their lives, and that is no different for distance learners. Wartburg is famous for a close-knit community that both challenges and nurtures, encourages and pushes, and accompanies and empowers. Students know that our community is unique and they take pride in it. They are intentional about investing in each other because they know it will enrich their capacity to be the best leaders they can be.

Relationships are at the heart of our
community, no matter where you are.

Prolog Week at Wartburg – the first week of each new semester – is about community, formation, friendships, and so much more. All of our distance and collaborative students join our residential students on campus to share in fellowship, worship, and a rigorous week of academic instruction. Close bonds are created between all students and faculty and are strengthened throughout the semester through video conferencing, online forums, and other one-on-one digital interactions with other students and faculty.


Fieldwork that keeps you close to home.

Field experience is a requirement of our degrees. Distance Learners may work with the seminary toward fieldwork/internship placement close to home and are free to choose clinical pastoral education (CPE) sites that will work best for their situation.


Although you’re away, it’s still a commitment.

There are a variety of degrees and courses available at Wartburg Seminary which take varying lengths of time to complete. If your goal is to complete a degree in the recommended time, a full-time course load is necessary. Full-time students can expect to spend 40 hours per week on their studies. Generally speaking, a full-time course load is 3-4 classes per semester at the graduate level. It is suggested that Masters students programs work no more than 20 hours per week in other employment, preferably less if possible. Part-time course work is available, however the MDiv degree normally must be completed within seven continuous years of study from the oldest course to the more recent course.


Technology is at the core of all our learning experiences.

Integrated throughout the entire learning community, technology supports our distance learners as well as makes assistance more readily available for our residential learners.  Examples include a digital library, Internet research resource recommendations, online help desk support, digital orientation for distance learners, technology recommendation list, technology checks before beginning courses, and more.



Every Wartburg Seminary course offers students the opportunity to learn in real time with other distance learners and residential students. Students access resources for class, including discussion forums and class notes and lectures, using our online portal called Castle Commons.


Students at Wartburg Seminary are also able to complete their courses on their own time. This option is especially useful for students balancing work and seminary life. Students will participate in assignments, discussion forums (both written and through video recording comments), and have access to to class lectures and notes alongside students learning in real time.


Learn more and experience first-hand what it’s like to be a distance learner at Wartburg Seminary through a Virtual Campus Visit! You’ll get to experience the range of options for completing coursework, chat with a faculty member and current students, and meet with our Admissions Staff.

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Experience our technology first-hand, meet a faculty member and distance learner, and have a chance to ask questions.

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