With the rising concerns around the spread of COVID-19, Wartburg Theological Seminary has canceled the Considering Your Call discernment retreat scheduled for March 20-22, 2020.
To our knowledge, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 within our community, however the decision was made to cancel in an effort to do what we can to minimize the spread of the virus. The COVID-19 situation has been unfolding very rapidly and is being monitored closely.
We know that many of you are still in active discernment about your decision to attend seminary and, particularly if you are called to attend Wartburg Seminary, so we would like to invite you to continue on in your discernment with Wartburg Seminary.
Consider a Virtual Campus Visit
Utilize our innovative technology resources to engage with faculty, staff, and current students via Zoom to explore Wartburg, ask questions, and experience our community. Contact admissions@wartburgseminary.edu for more information and/or to set up a virtual visit.
Register for Our Spring Online Open House on May 12th
Join us via Zoom to learn about the various programs and pathways Wartburg offers, participate in a text study with a faculty member, hear from a current distance learning student and ask questions about their experience, and so much more! Register here or contact admissions@wartburgseminary.edu for more information.
Set up a Phone Conversation with the Admissions Team
Not sure the best way forward or next steps? Contact the Admissions Team by email (admissions@wartburgseminary.edu) or by phone (563-589-0203) to schedule a time to chat with Jackie Baumhover, Director for Admissions!