Community Organizing Workshop
Wartburg Seminary 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, IA, United StatesKelly Marciela, ELCA Program Coordinator for Community Organizing, will lead a workshop for people interested in the basics of community organizing. This event is for students, staff, faculty, alums, area…
CTLM: Advance classes for lay Latinx leaders. Spanish. / Clase avanzada de Teologia para líderes laicos.
IA, United StatesAdvance classes for lay Latinx leaders. Spanish. Instructor: Professor José Avendaño History of Christian Thought I Days and Times: Saturdays 10am-12pm When: October 15-December 10 (No class November 26) Cost: $50 …
Considering Your Call Saturday, October 22nd
Wartburg Seminary 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, IA, United StatesOffers You The Opportunity To: Explore vocation and discernment Learn about degree programs and the various models to earn your…
Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration
IA, United StatesYou are invited to a Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration for the Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest (LSPS) and celebration for the launch of Centro Teológico Luterano Multicultural (CTLM).…
ELCA Arab and Middle Eastern Ministries
Wartburg Seminary 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, IA, United StatesAll are welcome to join Pastor Khader Khalilia, Program Director for ELCA Arab and Middle Eastern Ministries, for a presentation about the ELCA’s work. Available both on-campus and via Zoom. On-campus…
CTLM: Beginners class for lay Latinx leaders. Spanish / Clase introductoria de Teologia para lideres laicos.
IA, United StatesInstructor: Rev. Violeta Sigüenza Stewardship Days and Times: Saturdays 10am-12pm When: November 5th-November 26 Cost: $25 Español. Instructora: Reverenda Violeta Sigüenza Tema: Mayordomia Horario: Sábados de 10am-12pm Duración: Noviembre 5…
Communion Bread-Baking Workshop
Wartburg Seminary 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, IA, United StatesListen to Professor Martin Lohrmann and Kellie Lisi, Director of Candidacy and Community Life, talk about theology as they lead a hands-on workshop for baking Communion bread. Intended for intergenerational…
Admissions Online Open House – 11/15/22
Wartburg Seminary 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, IA, United StatesWith work, school, home, family, and church, our routines are set and drive us from one day to the next. Do you have a gnawing feeling in your gut that…
Christmas Traditions in the Latine Community / Tradiciones Navideñas en la comunidad Latina
ZOOM IA, United StatesDate: November 19, 2022 Times: 9am-12pm (Lunch) 1pm -2pm Instructor: Rev. Mateo Chávez Cost: $50 per individual or $250 per congregation. Let’s celebrate Christmas with our siblings in Christ…
CTLM: Beginners class for lay Latinx leaders. Spanish / Clase introductoria de Teologia para lideres laicos.
IA, United StatesInstructor: Rev. Edy Santos Lutheran Identity Days and Times: Saturdays 10am-12pm When: December 3rd-December 17th Cost: $25 Instructor: Reverendo Edy Santos Tema: Identidad Luterana Horario: Sabados de 10am-12pm Duración: Diciembre…
Advent Lessons and Carols
Wartburg Seminary 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, IA, United StatesMore information coming soon!
W.H. Auden’s For the Time Being: A Christmas Oratorio
Wartburg Seminary 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, IA, United StatesCTLM: Latine Ministry Competence
IA, United StatesThursday January 26 – 5pm-8pm Friday January 27 – 5pm-8pm Saturday January 28 –9am-12pm Latine Ministry Competence Presented by: Rev. Rubén Durán-Main Is there a growing Latine community in your…
ELCA African National Ministries
Wartburg Seminary 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, IA, United StatesIn cooperation with the Center for Global Theologies, Wartburg Learning for Life invites you to join Rev. Dr. Joseph M Bocko, Program Director for ELCA African National Ministries, for a…
Admissions Online Open House – 2/21/23
Wartburg Seminary 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, IA, United StatesWith work, school, home, family, and church, our routines are set and drive us from one day to the next. Do you have a gnawing feeling in your gut that…
American Indian Alaska Native Tribal Nations
Wartburg Seminary 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, IA, United StatesWartburg Learning for Life invites you to join Vance Blackfox, the ELCA Desk Director for American Indian Alaska Native Tribal Nations, for a presentation about the ELCA’s work. This event…
Challenges and Opportunities of Online Worship—Worship Webinar
Wartburg Seminary 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, IA, United StatesThe January 2023 issue of Currents in Theology and Mission will focus on the challenges and opportunities of online worship, including the meaning of assembling as online or digital communities,…
ELCA Global Missions
Wartburg Seminary 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, IA, United StatesThe Center for Global Theologies, in cooperation with Wartburg Learning for Life, hosts Rahel Mwitula-Williams, ELCA Director for Global Mission Funding for a public forum on global missions. Available both…
Challenges and Opportunities of Online Worship—Worship Webinar
Wartburg Seminary 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, IA, United StatesThe January 2023 issue of Currents in Theology and Mission will focus on the challenges and opportunities of online worship, including the meaning of assembling as online or digital communities,…